(423) 279-3278

Child Support Spotlight

Jun 19, 2024

June 2024

For this month’s iteration, we recognize Dalilah Burke from Blountville, TN.

Nominated by 2nd Judicial District Attorney General Barry Staubus, Burke has quickly established herself as an invaluable asset to the 2nd Judicial District Child Support Division. Her peers have taken note of her professionalism and desire to learn, which carries over to many aspects of her life. Thank you for your commitment to serving the people of Sullivan County.

Blountville, TN

Favorite Quote
“This is not about going back. This is about life being ahead of you and you run at it! Because you never know how far you can run unless you run.”

– Penny Chenery “The First Lady of Thoroughbred Racing”

Favorite Part of the Job
Helping employers understand National Medical Support Notice and how to follow them.

Alisha Coates, 2nd Judicial District Child Support Administrator, shares her thoughts on Dalilah’s contributions to their office:

“Dalilah has ben an invaluable asset of the child support team in the 2nd Judicial District since September 1, 2023. Dalilah consistently displays exceptional skills and a strong desire to learn and grow in the customer service position. She was recently recognized by a special investigator for the Board of Professional Responsibility after she assisted him on a call he made to the Child Support office. The special investigator described
Delilah as helpful, professional and nice.” – Alisha Coates, Child Support Administrator, 2nd Judicial District

Our Mission

The Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference, created in 1961 by the General Assembly, comprises the 32 District Attorneys General and the office of the Executive Director. Its primary role is to provide support, advocacy, and resources to the District Attorneys General in their administration of justice and service to their communities.